The history of Prague

The history of Prague

The history of Prague

A private tour through Prague

Another type of tour that we can manage for you is the History of Prague. The guide will give you a private tour through Prague and shows you the most important places that are related to Prague’s history. If you are interested in some historical topic, the guide will try to focus on this subject and give you as much information as possible.

The first settlements – The history of Prague

More likely, the first settlement was not located in the current Prague Castle area but around the territory these days known as Veleslavín. This settlement started Slavs crudely in the 6th century. The area was probably, started to be inhabited in the 4th century.

As the main settlement was, later determined, the area of Prague Castle. Ramparts, fortified settlements and later, even palaces started to grow there. Prague becomes the centre where the craftsmen or merchants buy and sell goods.

A very significant century for Prague and Czech land is the 9th century. Přemyslovci dynasty takes the rule over Prague for the first time. Their seat is, of course, at the Prague Castle, which is transformed into a complex fortress. Following dynasties that ruled the Czech land from Prague, find in the Prague Castle tour.

Evolution of Prague – history of Prague 

From Prague ruled many monarchs. One of them was, for instance, king Přemysl Otakar II. He ruled in the mid 13th century, and during his rule, the Czech land expanded a lot. However, in the end, he was beaten and he died at the battle in Morava. It meant that Habsburkové took over the Czech throne, and also, the borders changed. 

A real bloom that affected the country was thanks to Charles IV. in the 14th century. He established many institutions and built monuments that are famous these days. Some examples you might know are Charles University, Charles Bridge and New Town, which started to develop during his rule. Prague was the largest city in Europe by its area. 

When the Habsburkové dynasty took over the throne, Rudolf II. in the 16th century was one of the kings that is worth mentioning. He contributed to developing local culture, education and science. Rudolf II. was an art lover, so he built several senescence buildings. On the other hand, he wasn´t a very strong leader and tension against the Habsburkové dynasty was growing. This resistance of protestants against the Habsburkové climaxed with the Prague defenestration and at the end of the 17th century at the Battle of White Mountain. However, the Habsburkové won the battle with their leader Ferdinand. This all meant bad news for Prague and Czech land generally. The country had to face up to financial and economic problems.

Above all, the younger brother of Rudolf II., Matyáš II. moved the imperial centre from Prague to Vienna. Prague became only a provincial city.

The royal capital city – history of Prague

In 1784 Prague, right after Vienna, becomes the second-largest city in Europe. Four cities were joined together and connected to Prague. The Old Town, New Town, Hradčany and the Lesser Town are now becoming a part of Prague. This connection brings a new name – the royal capital city.
Other parts, the Jewish Part, Vyšehrad, Holešovice and Libeň, were connected to Prague as time passed.

In the 19th century, the number of citizens immensely grows. Culture, architecture, even fabrication, and other positive factors are now developing the most since the fall caused by the Habsburkové dynasty.

Later on, in 1992 Prague, is officially named Prague (without the Royal term).

If you want to know more, contact us. The guide will share with you detailed information about Prague’s history! We also offer many other tours through Prague, just check out this Walking Tours Prague list!


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